Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 in Review

By: Larry Hyatt

2015 was a hell of a year.
For some it started great.
Not so much for Tom Brady.
Remember deflate-gate?

Pistorius found guilty,
South Africans were pumped.
The Blade Runner couldn’t believe it.
He said, “I’m really stumped.”

Playboy cancelled naked girls,
Natgeo sales, fantastic.
Young boys will keep their big eye full
But will surely miss the plastic.

Bruce is Caitlyn. Caitlyn is Bruce.
Kylie and Kendall now feel bolder.
They’ll  “Go girl” with their dad, you’ll see,
And look like him when older.

Josh Dugger took a fall from grace,
The sisters picked up his slack.
They’ll have more kids than mom and dad
If they don’t stay off their back.

Cecil the Lion was struck down.
The whole world felt the loss.
I guarantee I’ll heed the warning
When my dentist says to floss.

McDonald’s started late night breakfast,
Subway and Jared, no longer one.
Blue Bell is finally back on the shelf
After giving some the runs.

B.B. King, Scott Weiland,
Jackie Collins could not escape.
Leonard Nimoy thought it quite illogical,
Yogi Berra, “slud” through the Pearly Gates.

The world is much divided.
No black or white, it’s gray.
Trump is even on the stump,
Hill and Bill not going away.

Whatever happens in 2016,
It'll be good and bad you know.
So except it, tell it, “I am here,”
And sing it Adele’s “Hello.”



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